New projects on the horizon
This year is turning out to be pretty busy with a couple of big projects on the horizon. Firstly I am madly working on a project with my weaving pal Emelie Rondahl that will be part of the Istanbul Design Biennial 2018. I am really excited to be part of this project and can't wait to see how it all turns out. I am definitely learning new skills as part of this project as I am weaving my tapestry in the rya or turkish knot style - shaggy work, here I come!

I also have a solo show coming up at the end of 2018 in Melbourne titled Conceal/Reveal. The inspiration for this body of work came from the work I produced for Return Flight last year. Although the works will be smaller in scale, this new way of working is pushing me outside of my comfort zone.
As my work has moved to constructing fabric collages and assemblages, the images can be concealed through layering while revealing other elements from sections being cut away.
The proposed works include a series of 12 collaged constructions that use woven tapestry, prints and manipulated fabric. It is anticipated that the works will be constructed directly into the display cabinets using pins. This makes the works site specific and unique to this exhibition.
Playing with positive and negative spaces, layering and textures the work is a psychological investigation into images of female identity. I’m interested in our everyday consumption of images, from Instagram, online spaces and fashion media and how we ‘curate’ an image of ourselves. The construction of this ‘image’ means that we only reveal what we want of ourselves to others, often leaving elements that we believe to be inferior to remain hidden away.
This year really is all about new skills, revisiting ideas and making them happen.